World War II

Robert Jamsa WWII in Germany

Private Robert Jamsa in Germany on the Russian Boarder. He is carrying an M 1 Grand - the best rifle of WWII. He is pictured with a German man they called Pops; he was a WWI vet. They are standing in front of their guard shak where they had a wood stove and Pops would keep it full of wood for the soldiers. Pops taught the young soldiers how to hunt deer and wild boar. He said before you shoot a boar, find a tree because if you don't kill it it will come after you and you better get up the tree. Some of his buddies did shoot a boar but Bob never did get one.

The American soldiers would give Pops food in return for his help. Germans had nothing and were very poor. Dad remembers the Christmas of 1945, he and some of his buddies gave Pops a Christmas gift of tobacco, socks and candy. Pops cried; he was a good friend. He would say, why do we have to fight such good young men.

They were guarding the boarder because the Russians would get drunk and come across the boarder and cause fights and try to take women back across the boarder with them.

Three pictures below are German soldiers surrendering. Bob took these pictures with his German camera.

Here Bob is in the front row fifth one in from the left. They were on a three day furlough in Paris. They are in front of Napoleon's tomb. He toured Paris with his buddy who was from a large city and knew how to get around on the subway. They went to see museums along with every famous landmark they could. Bob remembers having a great three days.

American soldiers and American tanks.

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